Release Notes Abra Version 3.7 New Feature * [ABRA-509] - Inline XBRL Transformation registry version 3 * [ABRA-555] - iXBRLTransformation Registry 4 (Recommendation) * [ABRA-510] - Inline XBRL Transformation registry version 2 * [ABRA-330] - Assertions: Serialize results * [ABRA-554] - Taxonomy visualisation to spreadsheet * [ABRA-535] - XBRL Dimension validation: Performance improvements with huge instances * [ABRA-538] - Taxonomy statistics report * [ABRA-567] - XBRL standards detection Improvement * [ABRA-556] - Update xstream library to version 1.4.12 (latest) * [ABRA-557] - Update Apache POI library to version 4.1.2 (latest) * [ABRA-558] - Update Apache commons-compress library to version 1.19 * [ABRA-559] - Update guava library to version 29.0-jre (latest) * [ABRA-560] - Update Xerces 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 (latest) * [ABRA-561] - Update Apache FOP 2.3 to 2.4 (latest) * [ABRA-562] - Update slf4j-api 1.7.5 to 1.7.30 (latest) * [ABRA-564] - Update gson 2.7 to 2.8.6 (latest) * [ABRA-565] - Update Apache commons-lang 3.1 to 3.10 (latest) * [ABRA-566] - Update Apache commons-codec 1.13 to 1.14 (latest) Bug * [ABRA-568] - Instance Validation: Duplicate detection for tuples does not respect values