Release Notes Abra Version 3.9 New Feature * [ABRA-310] - Rewrite xbrl formula filter handling to allow optimisation * [ABRA-611] - OIM: xBRL-XML * [ABRA-617] - Preview: XBRL Formula Assertion Severity 2.0 * [ABRA-612] - Link Role Registry 2.0 Improvement * [ABRA-599] - OIM: xBRL-CSV * [ABRA-618] - Formula: Optimise filters on formula loading * [ABRA-622] - XBRL Formula: Improve error message on error parameterNameClash Bug * [ABRA-616] - .NET: Fix lock of persistent taxonomy directory * [ABRA-499] - Labels in table headers should be consistent * [ABRA-621] - Create temporary taxonomy files in configurable directory * [ABRA-393] - Table Linkbase: INF is not handled correctly as a decimals attribute value in MonetaryFactRenderer * [ABRA-389] - MultiFactRenderer does not produce valid xhtml * [ABRA-390] - MultiFactRenderer does not handle the use case when facts are not duplicates but are rendered in the same cell. Aspect values should be compared, instead of aspects