Release Notes Report Factory Version 2.8.3 Story * [RF-1908] - Allow for block tagging structure and presentation serialization Improvement * [RF-1959] - Any change to the underlying tag should invalidate the entire structure * [RF-1872] - When holding the block tag selection, display a preview of the block tag bounding box * [RF-1939] - Structure and position icons indicating state * [RF-1881] - Editing block tag under the structure tag is complicated * [RF-1864] - Navigate position <-> tags <-> continuations Bug * [RF-1945] - There was an issue saving the data. Document is reverted to the latest valid state * [RF-1958] - Structure is broken after trying to edit underlying tags * [RF-1955] - Tag created over more than three pages does not pick up structure correctly * [RF-1887] - Validation error without visible solution * [RF-1924] - Table areas cannot be created in attached PDF * [RF-1921] - When trying to create a tag, document automatically reverts to last saved state * [RF-1925] - Values not displayed after creating tags * [RF-1893] - When applying "Notes and Disclosures" structure to structure tag, only three taxonomy positions appear in the structure grid * [RF-1885] - Structure tag is not recognising block tag * [RF-1944] - Project export exports incomplete project on SGL Carbon tagging tool server * [RF-1914] - Error while validating block tag added over two pages * [RF-1909] - Block tagging issues with IDL customer project * [RF-1953] - Overlapping table columns when drawing the table overlay * [RF-1957] - Positions are duplicated in structure * [RF-1946] - Editing a tag that is included in the structure, breaks the structure * [RF-1960] - Part of continuation tag gets deselected and removed on position drop * [RF-1951] - Block tagging issues with IDL customer Einhell * [RF-1950] - Structure tag can't be approved * [RF-1961] - Technical error message when trying to save project after confirming structure tag * [RF-1781] - Tagged "-" appears as "No fact value preview available" * [RF-1930] - When trying to import project, technical error message appears * [RF-1891] - Validation error without visible solution * [RF-1942] - When applying a taxonomy position to a block tag covering only a paragraph in one column, tag expands to cover the other column as well * [RF-1886] - Nested block tags aren't properly presented inside the structure * [RF-1765] - Exception while autotagging rf-ed project * [RF-1952] - One row in statement of changes in equity is not displayed in table structure * [RF-1933] - Editing table size causes error * [RF-1880] - Validating block tag under the structure ends up in error * [RF-1954] - Same prj can be edited in multiple tabs * [RF-1843] - Add different message for adding block tag over a structure tag * [RF-1770] - If one date is invalid, all will be marked as invalid * [RF-1658] - Project that is already in use can be deleted from the RF home screen * [RF-1877] - Propose option in a structure panel doesn't work * [RF-1888] - Selecting position navigates to a block tag but freezes details of previously viewed tag * [RF-1773] - Front end is breaking and zooming the document is disabled * [RF-1752] - ESEF package is missing when the menu ribbon is collapsed * [RF-1907] - Tags stays selected even when user clicks on other tag * [RF-1947] - Editing table size - error in the console * [RF-1948] - Mouse stays clicked after creating a table * [RF-1879] - Structure can be validated when its elements are still in the proposed state * [RF-1929] - Dropping a position over a multiple selected items fail